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Art on the Menu: Elevating Dining with Creative Flair

Colour Me Hungry: The Impact of Color Psychology on Kitchen Design

Innovative Kitchen Storage Solutions for Small Spaces
Innovative Kitchen Storage Solutions for Small Spaces

From Home Kitchen to Ghost Kitchen: A Culinary Transformation
From Home Kitchen to Ghost Kitchen: A Culinary Transformation

Porcelain Paradise: Revolutionizing Kitchen Design

Quartz Worktops: Elevating Kitchen Design to Art

Crafting Elegance: Designing a Timelessly Classic Kitchen

Number of listings removed from our directory since 1st November 2019 = 800

What Are The 10 Most Popular Fonts?

submitted on 15 December 2014
Fonts - so so many to choose from, yet in reality - the same fonts tend to pop up around the web - because they not only look great, but they have great legibility too. The infographic below polls a number of website designers and asks them what their favourite fonts are (via


The Top 10!

1. Helvetica 2. Arial 3. Georgia 4. Gotham 5. Myriad Pro 6. DIN 7. Futura 8. League Gothic 9. Cabin 10. Corbel

Other Notable Fonts Worth a Mention

1. Museo Slab 2. Maven Gotham 3. Ostrich 4. Plastic DHI 5. PT Serif 6. Déjà vu Serif 7. Alte Din 1451 Mittelschrift 8. Yanone Kaffeesatz 9. Comic 10. Cambria 11. Bebas 12. Aller 13. Onyx 14. Ubuntu 15. Myriad Pro 16. DIN 17. Times New Roman 18. Helvetica 19. Futura 20. Copse 21. Maven 22. Cabin 23. Quick sand 24. Lobster 25. Franchise 26. Garamond Pro 27. Engebrechire 28. Dandelion the Spring 29. Arial 30. Apple Berry 31. Trebuchet MS 32. Rockwell 33. Georgia 34. Sports Mill Goudy 35. Marketing Script 36. Verdana 37. Tahoma 38. Maven Gotham 39. Quick sand 40. Chunk Five 41. Maven 42. FF Tusj 43. Corbel 44. Engebrechire 45. Cabin 46. Franklin Gothic 47. Apple berry 48. Impact 49. Ostrich 50. Georgia 51. Kozuka 52. League Gothic 53. Rockwell 54. Maven 55. Mincho 56. PT Serif 57. Sorts 58. Sports Mill Goudy 59. Marketing Script 60. Comic Sans 61. Tahoma 62. Verdana 63. Tahoma Maven 64. Gotham 65. Corbel 66. Cabin
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