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Thomas Lyte - Custom Trophy Makers - Silversmiths and Goldsmiths

Silversmiths and goldsmiths to Her Majesty the Queen. We are passionate about bold design in precious metals, and are the makers of many internationally renowned elite sporting trophies. Explore our iconic trophies, medals, bespoke commissions and personal pieces that have cemented our reputation as masters in silver and gold.
Thomas Lyte - Silversmiths and Goldsmiths - London - Custom Trophy Makers

Trophy, Awards and Medals Services:Thomas Lyte - Silversmiths and Goldsmiths - London - Bespoke Trophy Makers

Bespoke Silver and Gold Commissions:Thomas Lyte - Silversmiths and Goldsmiths - London - Bespoke Silverware Commissions
telephone Telephone
+44 (0) 20 7751 8844  UK phone number
UK (London) based business providing silversmith and goldsmith services. Website includes details of services provided, work examples and case studies, associations, client list, FAQs, terms and conditions, press mentions, full contact details. reviewer
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Building 9
Hurlingham Business Park
London SW6 3DU
United Kingdom
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